Friday, June 10, 2011

Finding My Own Space

Living in Christchurch is definitely interesting these days - if nothing else. It's a city divided by so many things; thoughts, attitudes, opinions & circumstances.
It wont be like this forever - but for many it will still be unsettled for a very long time.

Of course I have opinions, concerns & a fair dash of attitude. I know what annoys me & I'm discovering what works for me in dealing with this ongoing aftermath. It isn't constant negativity. It isn't ripping people apart for their efforts in trying to deal with something that no one can have imagined ever having to deal with.

Some days it isn't all that easy to stay positive - especially if you travel through certain area's of the city, so it's no great stretch to feel a huge amount of empathy for the people that live there.

The media seem incapable of reporting anything in a positive capacity, or finding a 'feel good' story which, if taken on board or focussed on too much, undermines ones ability to look at anything in a positive light.

People can take offence if you try to boost morale by pointing out the positives to them, possibly thinking that you are trying to minimise what they are going through, even though you aren't. It's complicated - emotions are running high & often patience is running low.

So here I have created a space where I can say what I think, or voice an opinion. I can speak of the things which annoy me & why.
The best part is that no one has to read it if they don't want to, but I know I'll benefit from typing it out.

Here goes.......

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